Sunday, February 7, 2010

my lovely weekends

yesterday was SUPERB ARH !  POWERPACK ARH !
mid day went to queensway with soccer boys,
met at bpp taxi stand. haha.. stupid place to meet ! took 961 , brendan and darrick join us
when we otw there.. blablabla shit, i dont know why, yesterday i HAVE TO/NEED TO go town..
so text DIRAH, she said she go with her friends, text HAZIQ, he said he at sembawang, text
A'LAISYAH no reply but she said she maybe go town , minom.. so okay, i take it as she go town
tht day.. text BILL, he said he at town with his friend, so okay.. i went bck change, then head for town..
meet BILL at heeren.. then off to cineleisure lepak.. HAZIQ called and he also want to join, he went bck home change then head for town... meet DIRAH at cineleisure, and continue walking. went outside lepak,  with BILL friends, his brother all ahk !! suddenly, saw AKHBAR..fulemakk ! cantekk!! rokok pon nk kat habes.. naseb baek dierh aderh... lepaklepak and lepak.. then got fight.. cb btol !! i dnt know anything, HAZIQ call i leave to pick him up, went bck there.. all clear.. lepak lepak and lepak, terserempak ngan RINI RAINBOW, she also lepak with the people i lepak.. okay, sombong sakk dierh.. puki betol !  dirah pon join.. ribot sakkk.. blablabla , took some pics before and after DIRAH went home.. eat BURGERR KING then go bck..

 reach home at 12+ straight online. text AJIM take psp. play laptop while otf with A'LAISYAH till 3+.. then nellygaga plak video call, A'LAISYAH put down the phone and i continue with NELLYGAGA, talk with herr for awhile then i off. slept at 4.30 !!
woke up at 9.30 and slap myself on the head ! stupid ALI ! sleep at 4.30 wake up at 9.30..
stupidd sakk !! then AFIQ plak ajak swim !! sialah , on jerr ahk.. go with soccer boys around 5+ go bck .. wow !! korang pon cnfrm dah ngantok bace mepek aku, so okay , mawu turun plak skrg lepak ngan SHELTER.. BYE LOVELY